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  • Published Date

    July 26, 2018
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AT THE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 6th, 6:30PM AT THE AMERICAN LEGION HALL VOTE TO STOP INDUSTRIAL WIND YES HELP CONSERVE THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF GREENWOOD FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS TO ENJOY Twitchell Pond VOTE YES TO KEEP CONTROL OF OUR COMMUNITY, OTHERWISE THE QUIET PEACEFUL SURROUNDINGS OF GREENWOOD WILL BE FOREVER GONE VOTE YES TO PREVENT OUT OF STATE INTERESTS FROM TAKING ADVANTAGE OF OUR NATURAL RESOURCES Wind tower heights approaching 600 feet Taller than the 555 foot Washington Monument Blades almost as long as the 262 foot wingspan of the largest Airbus 380 062 fee passenger plane [Airbus 380) 13 turbines currently proposed to span 3 of Greenwood's mountaintops Heavily subsidized by the Federal Government NEED A RIDE TO VOTE? Why would we allow our most important natural eourns to become dealued Gov Faul LePage If you need a ride to the vote, have a question, or would like to volunteer to provide a ride to the vote, call: AL LAKE:207-739-0830 or NORMAN MILLIARD: 207-875-2121 High Impact, low economic benefit for Maine 100% of electricity generated benefits Massachusetts, while we get impact on our landscape left with the Wind energy is unreliable producing energy 25% of the tine . resulting in ittle reduction to greenhouse gases robetts Hountain and FRIENDS OF GREENWOOD MOUNTAINS PO BOX 34 GREENWOOD, ME 04255 Friends of Greenaood Moundeoins is commited to place, the scenic beauty and natwral charocter of the mountains for current and future generations, the unique guolity Greensood ond its surrounding anea