Auburn City Councilor Leroy Walker On the Job Daily! Leroy Walker is asking the voters of Auburn's Ward 5 to elect him to his 6th term as Ward 5's City Councilor. There is no harder working City Councilor than Leroy Walker. Recreation and Parks A long time ciny employee in the Recreation area Councilor Wer has let his mark on the Sherwood Heghts Sotball Field, the Garteld ad Beseba feld, M Apatite, Petengi Park Rink, Lights and Arena, Parks Department Bulding and the Municipal Beach. Community Recognition Councilor Walker has just this year recelved the "Soirit of America bute and a "Cerniicate of Apprecution" rom the Franco American War veteran Vision Projecti on Councilor Walker's lat for New Aubun include a foot bridge over the re build of Second Street and sidewaks, puting S Louis church back on the a roll, upgrading M Street, new lighond intersections and beautication projects in the New Auburn VWilage downtown List of many occomplishments representing Word 5: Aoned kere te neni *Lad betereo n Sou theL reing for elnd Caw the nee an Ladfor te meteh hahet tor atd Ca ndetthee Nobus ta Dhed Sorbootan bu Le ela a ten e Ceated yr er . Avoued for t lttalt estthe P detat etf A Preserved i n s the d O Vote for New Auburn's non-stop, effective leader, Councilor Leroy Walker! Pud for by Leroy Wer foe Audurn City Councl. Broad Street, Aubun, ME O4210 Auburn City Councilor Leroy Walker On the Job Daily! Leroy Walker is asking the voters of Auburn's Ward 5 to elect him to his 6th term as Ward 5's City Councilor. There is no harder working City Councilor than Leroy Walker. Recreation and Parks A long time ciny employee in the Recreation area Councilor Wer has let his mark on the Sherwood Heghts Sotball Field, the Garteld ad Beseba feld, M Apatite, Petengi Park Rink, Lights and Arena, Parks Department Bulding and the Municipal Beach. Community Recognition Councilor Walker has just this year recelved the "Soirit of America bute and a "Cerniicate of Apprecution" rom the Franco American War veteran Vision Projecti on Councilor Walker's lat for New Aubun include a foot bridge over the re build of Second Street and sidewaks, puting S Louis church back on the a roll, upgrading M Street, new lighond intersections and beautication projects in the New Auburn VWilage downtown List of many occomplishments representing Word 5: Aoned kere te neni *Lad betereo n Sou theL reing for elnd Caw the nee an Ladfor te meteh hahet tor atd Ca ndetthee Nobus ta Dhed Sorbootan bu Le ela a ten e Ceated yr er . Avoued for t lttalt estthe P detat etf A Preserved i n s the d O Vote for New Auburn's non-stop, effective leader, Councilor Leroy Walker! Pud for by Leroy Wer foe Audurn City Councl. Broad Street, Aubun, ME O4210