High horsepower. High Get low financing today. To get more out of every day. performance. Low ninancing. Grand L60 Series RTV520 H VE Vangmisalon WidelOherator Station Stop by to get a great deal on the RTVVS20 today. Featuring a high-performance Kubota EFI gasoline engine, VHT transmission and semi-independent Suspension and comfortable seat for increased operator comfort. Now is the best time to save on select, high-performance Grand L60 Series. Stop by your locat dealer today. $0OWN 0% APR BMONTHS $0DOWN 0% APR 84 MONTHS OR PLUS SAVE $200 $1,200 SAVE UP TO VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER A perfectly cut la Now for a perfectly matched offer. You own the land. Make it yours. 2200 Compact Tractors ematahed attachmepts 2062 He Gas Powered 42" te 54 Cutting Widths Get a fast, professional-level cut with precise, effortless control. And legendary Kubota quality. Demo the Z200 mower today. Save more on the versatile BX sub-compact tractor. The #1 selling sub-compact tractor in the U.S. for over 10 years." Stop in for a demo today. ONTHS DOWN TO OR PLUS $200 $1,000 SAVE SAVE UP TO VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER R.S. Osgood & Sons 645-4934 or 1-800-287-4934 Rt. 2, East Dixfield Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-12 High horsepower. High Get low financing today. To get more out of every day. performance. Low ninancing. Grand L60 Series RTV520 H VE Vangmisalon WidelOherator Station Stop by to get a great deal on the RTVVS20 today. Featuring a high-performance Kubota EFI gasoline engine, VHT transmission and semi-independent Suspension and comfortable seat for increased operator comfort. Now is the best time to save on select, high-performance Grand L60 Series. Stop by your locat dealer today. $0OWN 0% APR BMONTHS $0DOWN 0% APR 84 MONTHS OR PLUS SAVE $200 $1,200 SAVE UP TO VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER A perfectly cut la Now for a perfectly matched offer. You own the land. Make it yours. 2200 Compact Tractors ematahed attachmepts 2062 He Gas Powered 42" te 54 Cutting Widths Get a fast, professional-level cut with precise, effortless control. And legendary Kubota quality. Demo the Z200 mower today. Save more on the versatile BX sub-compact tractor. The #1 selling sub-compact tractor in the U.S. for over 10 years." Stop in for a demo today. ONTHS DOWN TO OR PLUS $200 $1,000 SAVE SAVE UP TO VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER R.S. Osgood & Sons 645-4934 or 1-800-287-4934 Rt. 2, East Dixfield Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-12