HOW INFECTIONS CAN LEAD TO SEPSIS Monday, October 28 4pm 5pm Central Maine Medical Center | Conference Room ABC 12 High Street (Lower Level) | Lewiston Each year over 270,000 people die from sepsis, learn to recognize the signs and symptoms. Sepsis is a lot more common than most people realize, and it's important to understand the facts about this fast moving and potentially fatal condition. Mary Philbrick MSEd, BSN, RN, will educate you on what sepsis is, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and how it's treated. This free seminar is open to the public and is sponsored by the Central Maine Healthcare Nursing Education Council. Central Maine Medical Center 207-795-0111 300 Main Street | Lewiston, Maine 04240 A Centrol Maine Healthcare Hospitol HOW INFECTIONS CAN LEAD TO SEPSIS Monday, October 28 4pm 5pm Central Maine Medical Center | Conference Room ABC 12 High Street (Lower Level) | Lewiston Each year over 270,000 people die from sepsis, learn to recognize the signs and symptoms. Sepsis is a lot more common than most people realize, and it's important to understand the facts about this fast moving and potentially fatal condition. Mary Philbrick MSEd, BSN, RN, will educate you on what sepsis is, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and how it's treated. This free seminar is open to the public and is sponsored by the Central Maine Healthcare Nursing Education Council. Central Maine Medical Center 207-795-0111 300 Main Street | Lewiston, Maine 04240 A Centrol Maine Healthcare Hospitol