Lajoie For Mayor Leadership for Lewiston Esked BThe PEOPLE Not Politici Tim Lajoie Hs imalble ere i publ wevie highihts lin al e to our mmurity and hi dti to helping oiber Gollen Hame Lewiston will ot besubidi ary of Augusta of ay pltical party, or ay sate e aticnal sperial interest prap. Vote As mase, Tim Laje wld le wling to get t n the gmol to wole isues, not sick ok in the oflie ditating what samd le oor Heling levt feials Lajoie talde foe theie stewanl sip of the tnst of the pple of Lewioon Ro Mattws hur ionNon oe i t lefined In whatl pelitial partis, otler d dates and naysners ant d r our edy- abt what we CAN DO In gtber to esr Lewiston's atation and bring sbest ew en of psperity for all our citins for Mayor "When veting for tlher sayor of isnoider things ke ingrity l bonety sooe who a Lewison's best ider e in mind, pting fami les ping e eighlse- hools, snd w e wlo will stand sing againt lll arts of any kinl. Tim Laje is tht e Pati Gage EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP FOR LEWISTON 30 years in public salety&criminal justice MA. in Management&Leadership M.S in Criminal Justice E.S. Coast Guard veteran Police chaplain Former city councilor Pelitical ppointnts or omiatices ld NEVER be used as rwands for work ing on a politinl ranpais r in ehange for politial fons The canldale for mnor wh fo the elear viion, grt and napelpetic ede to et right what s po wng is Tim Lajie Mr. Mury TIM LAJOIE WILL FIGHT TO: Elile soe poliias wh ell o what vou wa to b then d soething ele. Tim i hoest al loat alot wlut be believes Jim Depeler e can sinply Iuid moe blied d empt hoing to benefit waltly sle corporstions and eet to se Lewiston Restore salety & security to pretect our lamities and impreve LewsteT'S repatation THROW THE BOOK at drug dealers and violent deals Tim lajoie is the nan for the Mavr's offier, a on w wil hws adhoate for the people of lewis t spevial inte estWill ot be led lo the by a political poarty Fa Jops Fundmetal dange comes from adlress ing challenges heslon ot f ollon eies eak she unt was of ing things psitive Prioritize resources le belp lilelong Lewtston residents and local businesses AMracd public& prvate tunding lor indrstry lechnelogy, roads, and transportaion Ralse wages and property values, keeping our children bere to rase lamibes Tim lai the ee ap Lesisbn eeds o more sgr oating and tatingone ther Holet Beol No to the CMP The ople of Maie want to hae a sa, al the hoold pet i por tht REMEMBER TO VOTE NOV. 5TH Lajoie For Mayor Leadership for Lewiston Paid for and authorleed by the comitee to elect Tim Lajole foe Mayer 732 College Street, Lewiston, ME 0424 Lajoie For Mayor Leadership for Lewiston Esked BThe PEOPLE Not Politici Tim Lajoie Hs imalble ere i publ wevie highihts lin al e to our mmurity and hi dti to helping oiber Gollen Hame Lewiston will ot besubidi ary of Augusta of ay pltical party, or ay sate e aticnal sperial interest prap. Vote As mase, Tim Laje wld le wling to get t n the gmol to wole isues, not sick ok in the oflie ditating what samd le oor Heling levt feials Lajoie talde foe theie stewanl sip of the tnst of the pple of Lewioon Ro Mattws hur ionNon oe i t lefined In whatl pelitial partis, otler d dates and naysners ant d r our edy- abt what we CAN DO In gtber to esr Lewiston's atation and bring sbest ew en of psperity for all our citins for Mayor "When veting for tlher sayor of isnoider things ke ingrity l bonety sooe who a Lewison's best ider e in mind, pting fami les ping e eighlse- hools, snd w e wlo will stand sing againt lll arts of any kinl. Tim Laje is tht e Pati Gage EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP FOR LEWISTON 30 years in public salety&criminal justice MA. in Management&Leadership M.S in Criminal Justice E.S. Coast Guard veteran Police chaplain Former city councilor Pelitical ppointnts or omiatices ld NEVER be used as rwands for work ing on a politinl ranpais r in ehange for politial fons The canldale for mnor wh fo the elear viion, grt and napelpetic ede to et right what s po wng is Tim Lajie Mr. Mury TIM LAJOIE WILL FIGHT TO: Elile soe poliias wh ell o what vou wa to b then d soething ele. Tim i hoest al loat alot wlut be believes Jim Depeler e can sinply Iuid moe blied d empt hoing to benefit waltly sle corporstions and eet to se Lewiston Restore salety & security to pretect our lamities and impreve LewsteT'S repatation THROW THE BOOK at drug dealers and violent deals Tim lajoie is the nan for the Mavr's offier, a on w wil hws adhoate for the people of lewis t spevial inte estWill ot be led lo the by a political poarty Fa Jops Fundmetal dange comes from adlress ing challenges heslon ot f ollon eies eak she unt was of ing things psitive Prioritize resources le belp lilelong Lewtston residents and local businesses AMracd public& prvate tunding lor indrstry lechnelogy, roads, and transportaion Ralse wages and property values, keeping our children bere to rase lamibes Tim lai the ee ap Lesisbn eeds o more sgr oating and tatingone ther Holet Beol No to the CMP The ople of Maie want to hae a sa, al the hoold pet i por tht REMEMBER TO VOTE NOV. 5TH Lajoie For Mayor Leadership for Lewiston Paid for and authorleed by the comitee to elect Tim Lajole foe Mayer 732 College Street, Lewiston, ME 0424