USDA Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest, Androscoggin Ranger District 30-Day Comment Package Availability The Androscoggin Ranger District of the White Mountain National Forest is secking public review and comments on a draft environmental assessment and preliminary finding of no significant impact during the 30-day public comment period for the Evans Brook Vegetation Project. The proposed action is located in the unincorporated town of Batchelders Grant, Maine and is designed to achieve desired conditions for habitat diversity, forest health and productivity, transportation managemen, and risk tree removal along Maine State Route 113. The project area is located south of Hastings and north of Evans Notch, cast and west of Route 113. Vegctation management will result in 1,186 total acres of timber harvest using a mix of harvest methods up to a 10-ycar period starting in 2020 Copies of the draft environmental assessment and preliminary finding of no significant impact are available for review at the Androscoggin Ranger District Office, 300 Glen Rd. Gorham, NH, 03581-1399: or on our website at whitemountainlandmanagement/projects. For further information contact Pat Nasta Environmental Coordinator, phonc (207) 824-2813, or cmail patricia.nasta usda. gov This 30-day comment period is a designated opportunity for public participation. Pursuant to 36 CFR 218.25, comments concerning this project must be postmarked or received within 30 calendar days after publication of this notice in the Lewiston Sun Jounal newspaper. If the time period expires on a Saturday. Sunday, or a federal holiday, the time is extended to the end of the next federal working day Only individuals or entities who submit timely and specific written comments (as defined by 36 CFR 218.2) about this proposed projcct during this or another public comment period established by the responsible official will be eligible to file an objection. Other cligibility requirements include name, postal address, title of the project, identity of the individual or entity who authored the comments, and signature or other verification of ideity upon request (36 CFR 218.25(a) Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names and addresses of thosc who comment, will be considered part of the public record and will be available for public review or may be released under the Freedom of Information Act. Comments submitted anony mously be accepted and considered: however, anony mou comments will not provide the agency with the ability to provide the respondent with subsequent environmental documents or standing for administrative review Comments may be submitted electronically a whitemountainlandmanagement/projects and choosing "Comment/Objcct on Project by mail to Jennifer Barnhart, Androscoggin District Ranger, 300 Glen Rd. Gorham, NH, 03581-1399, or hand-delivered during office hours, 8:00am-4:30pm. M-F, excluding holidays. Documents cited by the commenter i support of their comments must be submitted with comment letters to ensure careful consideration in project planning. Comment Ietters should include an identifiable name and contact information to remain on the project mailing list. It is the responsibility of interested partics to respond to this notice witin the established time period USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. USDA Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest, Androscoggin Ranger District 30-Day Comment Package Availability The Androscoggin Ranger District of the White Mountain National Forest is secking public review and comments on a draft environmental assessment and preliminary finding of no significant impact during the 30-day public comment period for the Evans Brook Vegetation Project. The proposed action is located in the unincorporated town of Batchelders Grant, Maine and is designed to achieve desired conditions for habitat diversity, forest health and productivity, transportation managemen, and risk tree removal along Maine State Route 113. The project area is located south of Hastings and north of Evans Notch, cast and west of Route 113. Vegctation management will result in 1,186 total acres of timber harvest using a mix of harvest methods up to a 10-ycar period starting in 2020 Copies of the draft environmental assessment and preliminary finding of no significant impact are available for review at the Androscoggin Ranger District Office, 300 Glen Rd. Gorham, NH, 03581-1399: or on our website at whitemountainlandmanagement/projects. For further information contact Pat Nasta Environmental Coordinator, phonc (207) 824-2813, or cmail patricia.nasta usda. gov This 30-day comment period is a designated opportunity for public participation. Pursuant to 36 CFR 218.25, comments concerning this project must be postmarked or received within 30 calendar days after publication of this notice in the Lewiston Sun Jounal newspaper. If the time period expires on a Saturday. Sunday, or a federal holiday, the time is extended to the end of the next federal working day Only individuals or entities who submit timely and specific written comments (as defined by 36 CFR 218.2) about this proposed projcct during this or another public comment period established by the responsible official will be eligible to file an objection. Other cligibility requirements include name, postal address, title of the project, identity of the individual or entity who authored the comments, and signature or other verification of ideity upon request (36 CFR 218.25(a) Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names and addresses of thosc who comment, will be considered part of the public record and will be available for public review or may be released under the Freedom of Information Act. Comments submitted anony mously be accepted and considered: however, anony mou comments will not provide the agency with the ability to provide the respondent with subsequent environmental documents or standing for administrative review Comments may be submitted electronically a whitemountainlandmanagement/projects and choosing "Comment/Objcct on Project by mail to Jennifer Barnhart, Androscoggin District Ranger, 300 Glen Rd. Gorham, NH, 03581-1399, or hand-delivered during office hours, 8:00am-4:30pm. M-F, excluding holidays. Documents cited by the commenter i support of their comments must be submitted with comment letters to ensure careful consideration in project planning. Comment Ietters should include an identifiable name and contact information to remain on the project mailing list. It is the responsibility of interested partics to respond to this notice witin the established time period USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.