Jack Davis, Assoc. Broker 446-5400 Charlotte Davis, Broker 446-1191 ynda Hebert, BrokerlOwner 357-9367 Louise Nash,Broker 357-7522 HEBERT R Realty Groujp 231 Main Street, Mexico, ME (207) 369-0551 John Bartash III Assoc.Broker 418-1001 Mark W. Lemieux Sales Agent ore) Like Us On facebook [email protected] [email protected] 357-9002 RUMFORD $85,000 BYRON $325,000 RUMFORD $45,000 NEW PRICE Large 4-5 bedroom single family or single with in Beautiful log chalet located near Roxbury Pond. Three acres Affordable housing not far from town amenites law apartment Could be a duplex for extra income. wth access to 4-season recreationactivibies Four bedrooms, Large kitchen, 2 bedrooms up, large encbsed deckSG New new boller and new circuitbreaker panel 3 ful bath open coo t with rge us cate celn and open yard #1355748 Two car detached garage. #1368971 and stone fireplace n hing room. #1369022 MEXICO $104,900 BYRON $120,000 RUMFORD $65,000 Joe Hall Broker 357-5287 Dave Radclife Sales Agent 357-5649 NEW PRICE NEW PRICE Adorable 4 bedroom home-att one car garage. This rustic, fumished cabin on 7 acres. Beautiful Nice 3 bedroom double wide with garage on a comer Hardwood fors; f shed area in basement. Nie mountain wes; lg fireplace -cok stove & ot eckoff back New roof Greatlayout #1359756 backyard and screened in heated porch. New woodstove in center of open room. Wel, septic. Great shingles&heating system July 2018. #1354669 | recreation area cose to Coos Canyon#1326695