Lakeside THEATER MOVIES: First Run: Tickets available at the door, For schedule, visit & click on MOVIES ART: Sep 14 Awards Reception: Western Mountain Photography Show 7 PM at the Lakeside Contemporary Art Gallery, Exhibit continues through Sept 30 Oct 5 Awards Reception: Artists Trail Fine Art Exhibit 7 PM at the Lakeside Contemporary Art Gallery, Exhibit continues through Nov 2. You may purchase tickets for live events ONLINE: Visit and click on "Buy Tickets" Box Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 10-2, 207-864-5000 MOVIES CONCERTS LIVE THEATER Lakeside THEATER MOVIES: First Run: Tickets available at the door, For schedule, visit & click on MOVIES ART: Sep 14 Awards Reception: Western Mountain Photography Show 7 PM at the Lakeside Contemporary Art Gallery, Exhibit continues through Sept 30 Oct 5 Awards Reception: Artists Trail Fine Art Exhibit 7 PM at the Lakeside Contemporary Art Gallery, Exhibit continues through Nov 2. You may purchase tickets for live events ONLINE: Visit and click on "Buy Tickets" Box Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 10-2, 207-864-5000 MOVIES CONCERTS LIVE THEATER