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  • Published Date

    October 24, 2019
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Don't miss out on the great KIOTI deals going on now, visit your authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer for a test drive today Experience the power of KIOTI TRACTOR Offer available October 1, 2019 December 31, 2019 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $5,000 $2,600 $2,900 $2,900 OR OR OR OR UP TO MO UP TO UP TO UP TO 0% 60 0% 60 0% 60 6 0% 60 FINANCING Rqu FINANCING q FINANCING FINANCING YEAR KIOTM Cs Series CK10 Series CK1OSE Series DK10 Series 45 HP to 55 HP Open Flatform Design Synchro Shuttle or H-Shuttle Powerful & Rugged Excellent Value 24.5 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Manual or HST More Power Single Lever Joystick 21 HP to 25 HP Sub Compact HST Transmission Power Steering Wer Disc Brakes 35 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Cab Design HST Transmission Single Lever joystick ofer available Dctober 1,20-December 31, 201 Cannat be combined wih sy cther offer Oer based on the purchase of eligible ouement defined in promotional pogram Addsional y apply Pricing payments and models may very by deele Custemers must take delivery prior to the end of the progran period Sone custom ers wil not qually. Some cestrictons apply Financeg sject no cred aperoval Offer evailable on new equgment only. Pricing and rebas in US dolan Prior purchates ane not elgible.& Year Waranty for Non-Commercial residental ue only 6 Year Warranhy applies to C, CKTO, CK10 and Nmodel KOtiactors and must be pur chaned and repstered between October 1,209-December 31, 208 ofer vald ony at participating Dealers 0fer sujest 10 cha nge wthout notice See your dealer for details Al Soancing by DLL Finace LC is ins sole disredion and sobject to credvw and: approval and othe tand condions, Daedong USA Inc Koti Tractor Dvision Prepared the elomtion contained in these matrials SAVE UP TO $5,300 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $5,800 $4,300 6 $6,000 OR 0% 60" OR TUP TO 0% OR OR YEAR UP TO UP TO UP TO 0% 60 0% 60 60 s s INANCING" IMANCING FINANCING FINANCING s qua auv KIO DK10SE Series NX Series RX Series PX Series 66 HP to 73 HP CAB & ROPS Models Premium features Powerful Performance Power or Synchro Shuttle 90 HP to 110 HP Power Shuttle Deluxe Cab with A/C. Heat Fully Featured Powerful Workhorse 40 HP to 58 HP CAB & ROPS Models Diesel engine wDaedong ECO Technology Powerful HST Transmission Single Lever Joystick 45 HP to 60 HP CAB & ROPS Models Synchro Shuttle or HST Loaded with Features Powerful & Efficient Oer avalable 0ctober 1, 201 December 31,201 Cao be combined with any her offer Oler based on the porchase of eligble equipment defeed e promtional peogran Additonal fees may apply Pricing paymens and modes ay vary by dealer Coomers must take delvery prior to the end of e program period Sone customers wll not quality, Some restrictions apply Foancing subect so creat approval Offer available on new equpment only. Pricing and bes in US dolers Prior purchases are not eligble 6Year Wamanty for Non Commencial reidestal s only 6 Year Warranty applies to CS CK DK1O and NXmodel K00Tn setors and must be purchased and registered bahiee. October 1,201-Decenber 31, 2019 Oer vald only at panicpating Dealers Ofer sobject to change withoua eotice See your dealer for detals All inancing by DLL Finace LC is in its sole dacredon and subject to credit review and sproal and oher erms and condtions, Dedong SA, Inc Koactor Dision Prepared the inormation eonaled in bese maerials PROFILE POWERSPORTS You Tube Route 16, Conway, NH (just south of Conway Village) 603-447-5855 Don't miss out on the great KIOTI deals going on now, visit your authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer for a test drive today Experience the power of KIOTI TRACTOR Offer available October 1, 2019 December 31, 2019 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $5,000 $2,600 $2,900 $2,900 OR OR OR OR UP TO MO UP TO UP TO UP TO 0% 60 0% 60 0% 60 6 0% 60 FINANCING Rqu FINANCING q FINANCING FINANCING YEAR KIOTM Cs Series CK10 Series CK1OSE Series DK10 Series 45 HP to 55 HP Open Flatform Design Synchro Shuttle or H-Shuttle Powerful & Rugged Excellent Value 24.5 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Manual or HST More Power Single Lever Joystick 21 HP to 25 HP Sub Compact HST Transmission Power Steering Wer Disc Brakes 35 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Cab Design HST Transmission Single Lever joystick ofer available Dctober 1,20-December 31, 201 Cannat be combined wih sy cther offer Oer based on the purchase of eligible ouement defined in promotional pogram Addsional y apply Pricing payments and models may very by deele Custemers must take delivery prior to the end of the progran period Sone custom ers wil not qually. Some cestrictons apply Financeg sject no cred aperoval Offer evailable on new equgment only. Pricing and rebas in US dolan Prior purchates ane not elgible.& Year Waranty for Non-Commercial residental ue only 6 Year Warranhy applies to C, CKTO, CK10 and Nmodel KOtiactors and must be pur chaned and repstered between October 1,209-December 31, 208 ofer vald ony at participating Dealers 0fer sujest 10 cha nge wthout notice See your dealer for details Al Soancing by DLL Finace LC is ins sole disredion and sobject to credvw and: approval and othe tand condions, Daedong USA Inc Koti Tractor Dvision Prepared the elomtion contained in these matrials SAVE UP TO $5,300 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $5,800 $4,300 6 $6,000 OR 0% 60" OR TUP TO 0% OR OR YEAR UP TO UP TO UP TO 0% 60 0% 60 60 s s INANCING" IMANCING FINANCING FINANCING s qua auv KIO DK10SE Series NX Series RX Series PX Series 66 HP to 73 HP CAB & ROPS Models Premium features Powerful Performance Power or Synchro Shuttle 90 HP to 110 HP Power Shuttle Deluxe Cab with A/C. Heat Fully Featured Powerful Workhorse 40 HP to 58 HP CAB & ROPS Models Diesel engine wDaedong ECO Technology Powerful HST Transmission Single Lever Joystick 45 HP to 60 HP CAB & ROPS Models Synchro Shuttle or HST Loaded with Features Powerful & Efficient Oer avalable 0ctober 1, 201 December 31,201 Cao be combined with any her offer Oler based on the porchase of eligble equipment defeed e promtional peogran Additonal fees may apply Pricing paymens and modes ay vary by dealer Coomers must take delvery prior to the end of e program period Sone customers wll not quality, Some restrictions apply Foancing subect so creat approval Offer available on new equpment only. Pricing and bes in US dolers Prior purchases are not eligble 6Year Wamanty for Non Commencial reidestal s only 6 Year Warranty applies to CS CK DK1O and NXmodel K00Tn setors and must be purchased and registered bahiee. October 1,201-Decenber 31, 2019 Oer vald only at panicpating Dealers Ofer sobject to change withoua eotice See your dealer for detals All inancing by DLL Finace LC is in its sole dacredon and subject to credit review and sproal and oher erms and condtions, Dedong SA, Inc Koactor Dision Prepared the inormation eonaled in bese maerials PROFILE POWERSPORTS You Tube Route 16, Conway, NH (just south of Conway Village) 603-447-5855