Don't miss out on the great KIOTI deals going on now, visit your authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer for a test drive today. Experience the power of KIUTI TRACTOR "Offer available January 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 SAVE UP TO $5,000 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $2,600 2,900 2,900 OR 0% '60" OR 0% '60 OR OR UP TO MO UP TO UP TO MO UP TO MO 0% '60 0% 60 FINANCING QUAO qU rs FINANCING so q FINANCING qU FINANCING YEAR Cs Series CK10 Series KIOTI CK1OSE Series DK10 Series 45 HP to 55 HP Open Fletform Design Synchro Shuttle or H-Shuttle Powerful & Rugged Excellent Value 24.5 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Manuat or HST More Power Single Lever Joystick 35 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Cab Design HST Transmission Single Lever Joystick 21 HP to 25 HP Sub Compact HST Transmission Power Steering Wet Disc Brakes roter valable Janary 1, 2000 - March 31. 2020. Cannot be combined with any other oflfec Offer based en the purchase ol eligitle equipment defined in promational program Additional fees may appl Pricing payments and nodeli may vary by dealer. Cuatoners must ake delvery prior to the end of the program period Some customers wi not quaity. Some restictions apply Financing subectto credt approval. Oteravailale on new equipment oly. Pricing and rebates in US dolars. Prior purchases are not eligitle ear Wanaty for No-Comnerpial residetial use enly.6 Vear Waranty applies to CS. CKf DKI0 and No medel KOTI actors and must be purchased and repistered betwee Jauary L20 March 31, 200 Offer valid only at parsoipating Dealers Citer subject la change witiout notice. See your dealer for detas. Al financing by DLL Finace LLCa in its sole dacredtion and subject to credit ew and sproval and other terma nd condtions, DaedongSA Inc. Kos Tactar Division Prepared the information contained in these materiali. SAVE UP TO $5,800 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO 4,300 $5,300 *6,000 OR OR OR OR YEAR UP TO MO UP TO UP TO UP TO 0% 60 0% '60 0% '60 0% '60 TINANCING qUA m FO QUAL TINANCING TINANCING FINANCING K DK10SE Series NX Series RX Series PX Series 90 HP to 110 HP Power Shuttle Deluxe Cab with A/C, Heat Fully Featured Powerful Workhorse 66 HP to 73 HP CAB & ROPS Models Premium Features Powerful Performance Power or Synchro. Shuttle 40 HP to 58 HP CAB & ROPS Models Diesel engine wDaedong ECO Technology Powerful HST Transmission Single tever Joystick 45 HP to 60 HP CAB & ROPS Models Synchro Shuttle or HST Loaded with Features Powerful & Efficient Oter avalable Janvary 1, 2020- March 31, 2000. Canot be combinet with any other after. Offerbased on the purchase of eligitle eguipment defined in promotonal program Additienal tees may apply. Picing, paynents and models may vary by dealer Cuitmers Prioe purcheses are not eligtle 6 Year Warranty for Non Commercial residential e only Year Werranty applies to CS. CKI, DKIO ed tk nodel KIOTI tracen and ust be perchased and registered between January1. 202- March3. 2 brer vald only aparicipating Deaers. Offer sutject te change without notice. See vour dealer for detail Alfinacing by DL Finace LCantasole discredtion and subject o eredit review and approval and other terms and conditions Daedong-USA Ine Kioti Tractor Division Prepared the information contained in these materia Esmust take delivery prior to the end of the program period. Seme oustomers wilnot qualify Some retictions apoly Fnancing subject to credt pproval Ofer available on newepment only. Pricing and rebates in US colars PROFILE POWERSPORTS You Tube Route 16, Conway, NH (just south of Conway Village) 603-447-5855 Don't miss out on the great KIOTI deals going on now, visit your authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer for a test drive today. Experience the power of KIUTI TRACTOR "Offer available January 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 SAVE UP TO $5,000 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO $2,600 2,900 2,900 OR 0% '60" OR 0% '60 OR OR UP TO MO UP TO UP TO MO UP TO MO 0% '60 0% 60 FINANCING QUAO qU rs FINANCING so q FINANCING qU FINANCING YEAR Cs Series CK10 Series KIOTI CK1OSE Series DK10 Series 45 HP to 55 HP Open Fletform Design Synchro Shuttle or H-Shuttle Powerful & Rugged Excellent Value 24.5 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Manuat or HST More Power Single Lever Joystick 35 HP to 40 HP Compact Tractor Cab Design HST Transmission Single Lever Joystick 21 HP to 25 HP Sub Compact HST Transmission Power Steering Wet Disc Brakes roter valable Janary 1, 2000 - March 31. 2020. Cannot be combined with any other oflfec Offer based en the purchase ol eligitle equipment defined in promational program Additional fees may appl Pricing payments and nodeli may vary by dealer. Cuatoners must ake delvery prior to the end of the program period Some customers wi not quaity. Some restictions apply Financing subectto credt approval. Oteravailale on new equipment oly. Pricing and rebates in US dolars. Prior purchases are not eligitle ear Wanaty for No-Comnerpial residetial use enly.6 Vear Waranty applies to CS. CKf DKI0 and No medel KOTI actors and must be purchased and repistered betwee Jauary L20 March 31, 200 Offer valid only at parsoipating Dealers Citer subject la change witiout notice. See your dealer for detas. Al financing by DLL Finace LLCa in its sole dacredtion and subject to credit ew and sproval and other terma nd condtions, DaedongSA Inc. Kos Tactar Division Prepared the information contained in these materiali. SAVE UP TO $5,800 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO 4,300 $5,300 *6,000 OR OR OR OR YEAR UP TO MO UP TO UP TO UP TO 0% 60 0% '60 0% '60 0% '60 TINANCING qUA m FO QUAL TINANCING TINANCING FINANCING K DK10SE Series NX Series RX Series PX Series 90 HP to 110 HP Power Shuttle Deluxe Cab with A/C, Heat Fully Featured Powerful Workhorse 66 HP to 73 HP CAB & ROPS Models Premium Features Powerful Performance Power or Synchro. Shuttle 40 HP to 58 HP CAB & ROPS Models Diesel engine wDaedong ECO Technology Powerful HST Transmission Single tever Joystick 45 HP to 60 HP CAB & ROPS Models Synchro Shuttle or HST Loaded with Features Powerful & Efficient Oter avalable Janvary 1, 2020- March 31, 2000. Canot be combinet with any other after. Offerbased on the purchase of eligitle eguipment defined in promotonal program Additienal tees may apply. Picing, paynents and models may vary by dealer Cuitmers Prioe purcheses are not eligtle 6 Year Warranty for Non Commercial residential e only Year Werranty applies to CS. CKI, DKIO ed tk nodel KIOTI tracen and ust be perchased and registered between January1. 202- March3. 2 brer vald only aparicipating Deaers. Offer sutject te change without notice. See vour dealer for detail Alfinacing by DL Finace LCantasole discredtion and subject o eredit review and approval and other terms and conditions Daedong-USA Ine Kioti Tractor Division Prepared the information contained in these materia Esmust take delivery prior to the end of the program period. Seme oustomers wilnot qualify Some retictions apoly Fnancing subject to credt pproval Ofer available on newepment only. Pricing and rebates in US colars PROFILE POWERSPORTS You Tube Route 16, Conway, NH (just south of Conway Village) 603-447-5855